Новая версия отладчика FBdebugger (2.63)
SARG вновь радует обновлением своего отладчика.
Список обновлений:
Added :
- Breakpoints saved in ini file.
when starting a new execution of FBdebugger, breakpoints from dll are displayed only if the corresponding dll is loaded.
in some cases hidden dll breakpoints could be removed, overwritten by others visible brkp
- Breakpoints could now be disabled/enabled (colored in grey). In breakpoints management new buttons ENB/DSB.
- If the selected line is without breakpoint when using disabled --> create directly a disabled permanent breakpoint
- New icons replacing S,V,M and restart buttons
- New option "Step return" (button and short cut key "B"ottom) : execution till the end (exit sub, end sub, etc) of the current proc.The purpose is to be able to look at the variables before leaving the proc.
- New option "Step top" (button and short cut key "T"op) : execution till the first Line of next called proc.
- In case of automatic change of thread (mutex or threadcreate) a message is displayed giving the choice of which thread will be the current.
- Addresses (start, End And stack) about running proc (option in threads menu).
- Multi threads step auto : step auto alernates between selected threads (checkboxed in threads tree)
- Beginning of proc are marked by Keywords sub and function colored in red for better visibility.
Fixed :
- Italic police no more used for highlighted keywords
- Minor bugs
- Optimization when restoring previous instruction (replacing &hCC)
- The help file has been completely revised, v1.10 .
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