haav | Дата: Суббота, 20.10.2012, 07:36 | Сообщение # 1 |
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| DirectDraw на окне Notepad
На самом деле ничего такого выдающегося. Ищется окошко блокнота (должен быть запущен) и его клиентская часть заполняется пикселями розового цвета.
Автор: MINImicrosoft
Code ' DirectDraw Blt to Notepad.exe by MINImicrosoft.' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Performs DirectDraw Surface BLock Transfers on ' ' the first instance of Notepad found. ' ' And the truth is that I had to use an Handle to' ' an Windowed Window, as DirectDraw only supports' ' BLTting to the screen's (HWND value 0) Primary ' ' Surface in full screen modes, not windowed ' ' modes, and I'm too lazy to create my own window' ' so I 'chained to'/'piggy backed' on Notepad's ' ' window, thus the example was born. ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
REM Function DirectDrawCreateEx (byval lpGuid as GUID ptr, byval lplpDD as LPVOID ptr, byval iid as IID ptr, byval pUnkOuter as IUnknown ptr) as HRESULT REM Function IDirectDraw7_SetCooperativeLevel (byval lpDD as IDirectDraw7 ptr, byval hdl as HWND, byval Flags as DWORD) as HRESULT REM Function IDirectDraw7_Release (byval lpDD as IDirectDraw7 ptr) as ULONG REM Function IDirectDraw7_CreateSurface (byval lpDD as IDirectDraw7 ptr, byval lpDDSD as LPDDSURFACEDESC2, byval lplpDDS as LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 ptr, byval pUnkOuter as IUnknown ptr) as HRESULT REM Function IDirectDrawSurface7_Release (byval lpDDS as IDirectDrawSurface7 ptr) as ULONG REM Function DirectDrawCreateClipper (byval dwFlags as DWORD, byval lplpDDClipper as LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER ptr, byval pUnkOuter as IUnknown ptr) as HRESULT REM Function IDirectDrawClipper_SetHWnd (byval lpDDC as IDirectDrawClipper ptr, byval Flags as DWORD, byval hdl as HWND) as HRESULT REM Function IDirectDrawSurface7_Lock (byval lpDDS as IDirectDrawSurface7 ptr, byval lpLockRect as LPRECT, byval lpDDSD as LPDDSURFACEDESC2, byval Flags as DWORD, byval hdl as HANDLE) as HRESULT REM Function IDirectDrawSurface7_Unlock (byval lpDDS as IDirectDrawSurface7 ptr, byval lpLockRect as LPRECT) as HRESULT REM Function IDirectDrawSurface7_SetClipper (byval lpDDS as IDirectDrawSurface7 ptr, byval lpDDC as LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER) as HRESULT REM Function IDirectDraw7_TestCooperativeLevel (byval lpDD as IDirectDraw7 ptr) as HRESULT REM Function IDirectDrawSurface7_Blt (byval lpDestDDS as IDirectDrawSurface7 ptr, byval lpDestRect as LPRECT, byval lpSrcDDS as LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7, byval lpSrcRect as LPRECT, byval Flags as DWORD, byval lpBltFx As LPDDBLTFX) as HRESULT REM Function IDirectDrawClipper_Release (byval lpDDC as IDirectDrawClipper ptr) as ULONG
#include "win\ddraw.bi" #include "windows.bi"
'Option Explicit
' Program Chaining Variables. Dim ChainHWND As HWND Dim ChainClassName As String ChainClassName = "Notepad" ' Debugging Variables. Dim RVal As Long ' General Program variables. Dim R As UBYTE, G As UBYTE, B As UBYTE Dim Area As RECT Dim Address As Long Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer ' DirectX variables. Dim DirectDraw As IDirectDraw7 Ptr Dim Desc As DDSURFACEDESC2 Dim Primary As IDirectDrawSurface7 Ptr Dim Secondary As IDirectDrawSurface7 Ptr Dim PrimaryClipper As IDirectDrawClipper Ptr
' Attempt to create an DirectDraw 7 Device. If Not DirectDrawCreateEx(NULL, VarPtr(DirectDraw), VarPtr(IID_IDirectDraw7), NULL) = DD_OK Then End
' Wait for an instance of Notepad to be found. While ChainHWND = 0 Locate 1, 1: Print "Waiting for Notepad..." ChainHWND = FindWindow(ChainClassName, NULL) Sleep 25 Wend Locate 1, 1: Print "Notepad found. "
' Attempt to configure the DirectDraw Device for this application. If Not IDirectDraw7_SetCooperativeLevel(DirectDraw, ChainHWND, DDSCL_NORMAL) = DD_OK Then IDirectDraw7_Release (DirectDraw) Print "Unable to configure the DirectDraw Device." Sleep End End If
' Specify the Primary Surface's description to the description ' that DirectDraw will use to create the Primary Surface. Desc.dwSize = Len(Desc) Desc.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS Desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE ' Attempt to create the Primary Surface. If Not IDirectDraw7_CreateSurface(DirectDraw, VarPtr(Desc), VarPtr(Primary), NULL) = DD_OK Then IDirectDraw7_Release (DirectDraw) Print "Unable to create the Primary Surface." Sleep End End If
' Specify the Seconday Surface's description. Desc.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS Or DDSD_HEIGHT Or DDSD_WIDTH Or DDSD_PIXELFORMAT Desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Desc.dwWidth = 32 Desc.dwHeight = 32 ' Specify the pixel format. Desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags = DDPF_RGB Desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = 32 Desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRBitMask = &h00FF0000 Desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwGBitMask = &h0000FF00 Desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwBBitMask = &h000000FF
' Attempt to create Secondary Surface. If Not IDirectDraw7_CreateSurface(DirectDraw, VarPtr(Desc), VarPtr(Secondary), NULL) = DD_OK Then IDirectDrawSurface7_Release (Primary) IDirectDraw7_Release (DirectDraw) Print "Unable to create the Secondary Surface." Sleep End End If
' Attempt to create a new clipper object. If Not DirectDrawCreateClipper(0, VarPtr(PrimaryClipper), NULL) = DD_OK Then IDirectDrawSurface7_Release (Primary) IDirectDrawSurface7_Release (Secondary) IDirectDraw7_Release (DirectDraw) Print "Unable to create clipping object." Sleep End End If
' Set the window to clip to. IDirectDrawClipper_SetHWnd (PrimaryClipper, 0, ChainHWND)
' Set the area to lock. Area.Top = 0 Area.Left = 0 Area.Right = 32 Area.Bottom = 32
' Lock the surface so that the surface's raw pixel data's memory location doesn't ' change whilist we are writing to it. IDirectDrawSurface7_Lock (Secondary, VarPtr(Area), VarPtr(Desc), DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL)
' Get the memory location of the surface's raw pixel data. Address = Desc.lpSurface
' Set the RGB888 color to canvas. R = 255: G = 122: B = 255
' Begin overwriting the surface's raw pixel data (drawing on the surface without ' GDI). For x = 0 To 31 For y = 0 To 31 Poke Address + 0, B ' Blue Poke Address + 1, G ' Green Poke Address + 2, R ' Red Poke Address + 3, 0 ' Alpha Address = Address + 4 Next Address = Address + (Desc.lPitch - 32 * 4) Next
' Unlock the surface, so it can be reallocated and DirectDraw can get the video ' device to redraw it. IDirectDrawSurface7_Unlock (Secondary, VarPtr(Area))
Do Until (INKEY$ = " ") While Not IDirectDraw7_TestCooperativeLevel(DirectDraw) = DD_OK Locate 2, 1: Print "Waiting . . . ." Sleep 25 Wend ' Set the clipping for the Primary Surface.
If Not IDirectDrawSurface7_SetClipper(Primary, PrimaryClipper) = DD_OK Then Print "Couldn't set the clipping for the Primary Surface." Sleep Exit Do End If
RVal = IDirectDrawSurface7_Blt(Primary, NULL, Secondary, NULL, DDBLT_WAIT, NULL) If Not RVal = DD_OK Then ' Find out which error was thrown. Select Case RVal Case DDERR_INVALIDCLIPLIST Print "Blt operation didn't support current Clipping." Case DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT Print "An pointer to an invalid structure was passed to the Blt procedure." Case DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS Print "An invalid value was passed as an parameter to the Blt procedure." Case DDERR_INVALIDRECT Print "An RECT object that was passed to the Blt procedure was incorrect." Case DDERR_NOALPHAHW Print "Blt Operation Failed! Alphas are unsupported on this Hardware." Case DDERR_NOBLTHW Print "Blt Operation Failed! Hardware doesn't support Blting." Case DDERR_NOCLIPLIST Print "Blt Operation Failure! No clipping is specified." Case DDERR_NORASTEROPHW Print "Blt Operation Failed! No Rasterizing Hardware Support." Case DDERR_NOSTRETCHHW Print "Blt Operation Failed! No Hardware Support for Streching." Case DDERR_SURFACEBUSY Print "Blt failed because the surface is in use by another process." Case DDERR_SURFACELOST Print "Blt failure! Surface memory was incorrectly reallocated." Case DDERR_UNSUPPORTED Print "DirectDraw doesn't support the Blt operation being executed in that Mannor." Case DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING Print "Another Blt operation was still working on the Surface." Case Else Print "An unknown error occured on during Blt operation." End Select Sleep Exit Do End If Sleep 25 Loop
IDirectDrawSurface7_Release (Primary) IDirectDrawSurface7_Release (Secondary) IDirectDrawClipper_Release (PrimaryClipper) IDirectDraw7_Release (DirectDraw)
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