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опрос клавиатуры
ntvgjhfnjДата: Четверг, 06.07.2023, 08:36 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Проверенные
Сообщений: 61
Репутация: 1
Статус: Offline
Жуткая задержка при опросе клавиатуры ...


Dim Shared As Integer mx, my, mz, mb, omb
Dim Shared As String key, s, s2, ok

Sub se()
    Var key_ = InKey
    Select Case Asc(key_)
  Case 32 To 255
  s += key_
    End Select
End Sub

ScreenRes 800, 600, 32, 2
ScreenSet 1, 0
Color RGB(255, 128, 0), &H666666
'[ -- Label_frame text animation --
Var tic = 0.1
Var tici = .4
Var tic_text = 0

    omb = mb
    GetMouse(mx, my, mz, mb)

    If ( Timer >= tic) Then
  If tic_text >= 20 Then tic_text = 0 Else tic_text +=1
  tic = Timer + tici
    key  = InKey
    Select Case Asc(key)
  Case 32 To 255
  s2 += key
    End Select

    Draw String (10,10), s
    Draw String (10,30), s2
    Draw String ( tic_text * 20, 320), "Animate text"

    ok = key
    Sleep 1
Loop Until MultiKey(&H01) Or InKey  = Chr(255)+"k"
While InKey <> "": Wend

Собственно нужно для interBox без прерывания цыкла



#Undef __MAIN__
#Define __MAIN__ 1
#If __MAIN__
Dim Shared As Integer mx, my, mz, mb, omb
Const MYWHITE = RGB(255,255,255)
Const MYGREY = RGB(128,128,228)
Const MYDARKGREY2 = RGB(100,100,100)
Const MYBLACK = RGB(0,0,0)

#Undef midle
#Define midle( Out_x, Out_Width, in_Width) ( (Out_x) + ( (Out_Width) - (in_Width)) / 2)

#Undef MB_LEFT
#Define MB_LEFT 1

#Undef UP
#define UP 0
#Undef OVER
#define OVER 1
#Undef DOWN
#define DOWN 2
#Undef HIT
#define HIT 3
#define ENABLE 4

'#Undef LEFTE
'#define LEFTE 0
'#define CENTERE 1
'#Undef RIGHTE
'#define RIGHTE 2

Type InputBox
    As Integer _

    As boolean _
    enabled,_     ' Ëîãè÷åñêîå çíà÷åíèå, êîòîðîå îïðåäåëÿåò, âêëþ÷åíà ëè êíîïêà.

    As String _

    As ULong _
    textAlign     ' Âûðàâíèâàíèå òåêñòà ( LEFT, CENTER , RIGHT)

    Declare Constructor()
    Declare Constructor( x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer, text As string = "", defaultText As String = "")
    Declare Function event( old_mouse_button As Integer  = 0) As integer
    Declare Sub drawing()
    Declare Sub edit()
    Declare Function sendText( source_text_delete As boolean = false) As string

    As String _

    As ULong _

    As Integer _

    Declare Sub moveCaretLeft()
    Declare Sub moveCaretRight(  txt_ As String = "")
End Type

Sub InputBox.moveCaretLeft()
    If caret = 0 Then
  textStartAt -= 1
  If textStartAt < 1 Then textStartAt = 1
  caret -= 1
End Sub

Sub InputBox.moveCaretRight( txt_ As String = "")
    Var lenText = len(txt_)
    If caret = max_char Then
  If (caret + textStartAt) - lenText < 1 Then textStartAt += 1
  If lenText < 1 Then textStartAt = 1
  If ( lenText > 0) And (caret < lenText) Then caret += 1 ' If max_column > 0 Then
    End If
End Sub

Function InputBox.sendText( source_text_delete As boolean = false) As string
    Dim As String send_text = text
    If source_text_delete Then text = ""
    return send_text
End Function

Function InputBox.event( old_mouse_button As Integer  = 0) As Integer
    Dim As Integer res = 0, btn_, x_, y_
    GetMouse(x_, y_, , btn_)

    If visible Then
  With This
   If enabled Then
    .state = ENABLE
    If x_ >= .x And y_ >= .y And x_<=(.x + .w) And y_ <= (.y + .h) Then
     If ((btn_ And (MB_LEFT))<> 0) Then
      .state = DOWN
      .HasMouse = TRUE
      .fixMouse = true
      'res = 1
      'return 1
      If (((old_mouse_button And Not btn_) And (MB_LEFT))<>0) Then
       '.fixMouse = Not .fixMouse
       state = DOWN
       .HasMouse = TRUE
       return 1
       .state = OVER
       .HasMouse = TRUE
    ElseIf .hasMouse Then
     'If .fixMouse Then .state = DOWN Else .state = UP
     .hasMouse = FALSE
     .state = UP
     .hasMouse = FALSE
     .fixMouse = false
  End With

    Return res
End Function

Sub InputBox.drawing()
    If visible Then
  Select Case state
   Case UP
    Line( x, y) - (x + w - 1, y + h - 1), bg(0), bf
   Case OVER
    If fixMouse Then
     Line(x, y) - (x + w - 1, y + h - 1), bg(1), bf
     Line( x, y) - (x + w - 1, y + h - 1), bg(0), bf
    Line(x + 2, y + 2) - (x + w - 3, y + h - 3), over_color, b
   Case DOWN
    Line(x, y) - (x + w - 1, y + h - 1), bg(1), bf
    'Line(x + 2, y + 2) - (x + w - 3, y + h - 3), over_color, b
   Case HIT

   Case ENABLE
    Line(x, y) - (x + w - 1, y + h - 1), bg(2), bf
   Case Else
    Line(x, y) - (x + w - 1, y + h - 1), bg(1), bf
  End Select

  Line ( x, y) - ( x + w - 1, y + h - 1), bc, B
  Line ( x + 1, y + 1) - ( x + w - 2, y + 1), &H666666
  Line ( x + 1, y + h - 2) - ( x + w - 2, y + h - 2), &He6e6e6
  Line ( x + 1, y + 1) - ( x + 1, y + h - 2), &H666666
  Line ( x + w - 2, y + 1) - ( x + w - 2, y + h - 2), &He6e6e6

  If text = "" Then
   Draw String ( x + 5, midle( y + 2, h + 4, 14)), Mid( defaultText, 1, max_char),fg
   Draw String ( x + 5, midle( y + 2, h + 4, 14)), Mid( text, textStartAt, max_char),fg
End Sub

Sub InputBox.edit()
Dim As Single _
caret_blink = 1.0,_
caret_interval = 1

Dim As String _

Dim As boolean _

Dim As Integer _

state = HIT
s = text
If s = "" Then caret = 0

'text = s '& Chr(32)    'caret End
lenText = len(s)
'[ Mouse & Keyboard event
keystr = inkey
If Len(keystr) = 1 Then key = Asc(keystr) Else key = 0

GetMouse mx, my,,mb
If mx >= x And my >= y And mx <=(x + w) And my <= (y + h) Then
    If ((mb And (MB_LEFT))<> 0) Then
  caret = (mx - x - 8) / 8
  If caret < 0 Then caret = 0
  If caret > lenText Then caret = lenText
    If ((mb And (MB_LEFT))<> 0) Then Exit Do

If keystr = ( Chr(255) & "S") Then ' Delete
    s = ""
    caret = 0
    textStartAt = 1
    posX = 0
ElseIf ( keystr = ( Chr(255) & "K") ) Then ' Left
ElseIf ( keystr = ( Chr(255) & "M") ) Then ' Right
ElseIf ( keystr = (chr(255)+chr(71)) ) Then ' Home
    textStartAt = 1
    caret = 0
ElseIf ( keystr = (chr(255)+chr(79)) ) Then ' End
    If lenText < 1 Then
  textStartAt = 1
    ElseIf lenText > max_char then
  textStartAt += lenText - max_char
  caret = max_char

    If caret < 0 Then
  caret = 0
    ElseIf caret < max_char    Then
  caret = lenText
  caret = max_char
ElseIf ( keystr = chr(27)) And Not keyUp Then ' ESC
    keyUp = true

If ( keystr <> chr(27)) And keyUp Then exitDo = true

Select Case key
    Case 13    'Enter
  Exit Do
    Case 8    'Backspace
  If ( len(s) > 0 ) And ( textStartAt >= 1) And ( caret > 0) Then
   splitA = Mid( s, 1, textStartAt + caret - 2)
   splitB = Mid( s, textStartAt + caret)
   s = splitA & splitB
    Case 32 To 255
  splitA = Mid( s, 1, textStartAt + caret - 1)
  splitB = Mid( s, textStartAt + caret + 1 )
  s = splitA & keystr & splitB
End Select

If ( Timer >= caret_blink) Then
    capet_visible = Not capet_visible
    caret_blink = Timer + caret_interval
End If

#If __MAIN__
Line( 0,0) - ( 800, 200), &H333333, bf
Line( x, y) - ( x + w - 1, y + h - 1), bg(1), bf

Line ( x, y) - ( x + w - 1, y + h - 1), bc, B
Line ( x + 1, y + 1) - ( x + w - 2, y + 1), &H666666
Line ( x + 1, y + h - 2) - ( x + w - 2, y + h - 2), &Hcccccc
Line ( x + 1, y + 1) - ( x + 1, y + h - 2), &H666666
Line ( x + w - 2, y + 1) - ( x + w - 2, y + h - 2), &Hcccccc '&He6e6e6
Draw String ( x + 5, midle( y + 2, h + 4, 14)), Mid( s, textStartAt, max_char), fg ' Mid( s, 1, w / 8),fg

#If __MAIN__
Draw String ( 20,20), s
Draw String ( 10,40), "text: " & Str( lenText)
Draw String ( 10,60), "max_char: " & Str( max_char)
Draw String ( 100,40), "caret: " & Str(caret)
Draw String ( 200,60), "caret + textStartAt = " & Str(caret + textStartAt)
Draw String ( 260,40), "textStartAt: " & Str(textStartAt)

' draw caret
If capet_visible Then
    Line ( x + caret * 8 + 4 - posX * 8, y + 3)-( x + caret * 8 + 4 - posX * 8, y + 17), &H0a0a0a  
    Line ( x + caret * 8 + 4 - posX * 8 - 1, y + 3)-( x + caret * 8 + 4 - posX * 8 - 1, y + 17), &H0a0a0a  

omb = mb
Sleep 1
Loop Until exitDo
While Inkey <> "": Wend

text = s
state = UP
End Sub

Constructor InputBox( x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer, text As String = "", defaultText As String = "")
    With This
  .x = x
  .y = y
  .w = w
  .h = 20
  .text = text
  .defaultText = defaultText
  .textAlign = 0
  .fg = &H666666
  .bc = &H000000
  .bg(0) = &Hb3b3b3
  .bg(1) = &Hffffff
  .bg(2) = &H333333
  .over_color = &H32dcff
  .visible = true
  .textStartAt = 1
  .max_char = ( w - 8) / 8
    End With
End Constructor

Constructor InputBox()
    h = 20
    textStartAt = 1
End Constructor

#If __MAIN__
ScreenRes 800, 600, 32, 2
ScreenSet 1, 0
Color RGB(255, 128, 0), &H666666

Dim As InputBox ib = InputBox( 100, 100, 200,,"input text ...")

'[ -- Label_frame text animation --
Var tic = 0.1
Var tici = .4
Var tic_text = 0

    omb = mb
    GetMouse(mx, my, mz, mb)

    If ( Timer >= tic) Then
  If tic_text >= 20 Then tic_text = 0 Else tic_text +=1
  tic = Timer + tici
    If ib.event(omb) Then ib.edit

    Draw String ( 20,20), ib.text
    Draw String ( tic_text * 20, 320), "Animate text"

    Sleep 25
Loop Until MultiKey(&H01) Or InKey  = Chr(255)+"k"
While InKey <> "": Wend

посоветуйте чего-нибудь, а ?
пробовал использовать

If GetAsyncKeyState(32) Then : key_pressed = 32

но геморно

haavДата: Пятница, 07.07.2023, 06:25 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1374
Репутация: 50
Статус: Offline
Слишком много вызовов INKEY. Убери хотя бы в конце и все будет выводится:

Loop Until MultiKey(&H01)

опрос клавиатуры с помощью INKEY/GETKEY делают один раз и потом пользуются результатами.
Я сейчас точно не помню насчет GETKEY.
Но INKEY абсолютно точно подтирает за собой буфер.

Вы сохраняете власть над людьми покуда оставляете им что-то…Отберите у человека все, и этот человек уже будет неподвластен вам…
ntvgjhfnjДата: Пятница, 07.07.2023, 11:09 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Проверенные
Сообщений: 61
Репутация: 1
Статус: Offline
Спасибо! rah
код подправил заработало

Dim Shared As Integer mx, my, mz, mb, omb
Dim Shared As String key, s, s2, ok

Sub se()
    Select Case Asc(key)
  Case 32 To 255
  s += key
    End Select
End Sub

ScreenRes 800, 600, 32, 2
ScreenSet 1, 0
Color RGB(255, 128, 0), &H666666
'[ -- Label_frame text animation --
Var tic = 0.1
Var tici = .4
Var tic_text = 0

    omb = mb
    GetMouse(mx, my, mz, mb)

    If ( Timer >= tic) Then
  If tic_text >= 20 Then tic_text = 0 Else tic_text +=1
  tic = Timer + tici
    key  = InKey
    'Select Case Asc(key)
    '    Case 32 To 255
    '    s2 += key
    'End Select

    Draw String (10,10), s
    Draw String (10,30), s2
    Draw String ( tic_text * 20, 320), "Animate text"

    ok = key
    Sleep 1
Loop Until MultiKey(&H01) Or Key  = Chr(255)+"k"
While InKey <> "": Wend

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