Новая версия отладчика FBdebugger (2.61)
- show the first executable line of main (proc/var or thread context menus)
- procs are now sorted by thread in proc/var windows
- proc tree in threadview
- few options added in thread context menu (eg select item to show proc in proc/var treeview)
- new keywords (virtual and abstract) added
- better management of dll
- debugged Dlls list (tools)
- watched var for dll : only basic types and pointers are kept between two debuggings
- list all proc/var in log (proc/var context menu)
- no calling line for a thread
- issue when modifying execution on last line of proc
- infinite loop when 2 dlls or more are loaded
- other minor issues
- loading one time each source (never unload) (St_W)
- closing handle of unloaded dll so they are no more locked by fbdebugger (St_W)
- shared var provided by dll are now managed (St_W)
- User manual not updated still 2.58 but not really a problem ;-)